Paolo Allegrini - Top Italian Scientist in Physics
My research activity has been devoted to building common languages between theoretical physicists and scientists of other branches of the scientific community, that may benefit from the concepts of criticality, complex networks, weak chaos, negentropy, fractional derivatives, random walks, and other mathematical and physical concepts. I have contributed to discovering new models and novel signal-analysis techniques and applied them to life sciences and human behavior. I am now doing little research and mostly devoted to teaching physics to young students, having in mind that physics is much more than elementary particles and Hamiltonian systems.
complexity chaos and nonlinear dynamics bioinformatics language fractal physiology phase transitions and critical phenomena consciousness teaching

Rank: 436
H-Index: 32
Citations: 3049
Nation: Italy
Area: physics - theoretical
Macroarea: Physics
Italian Institution(s): Liceo Statale "Carlo Lorenzini" di Pescia (PT)
Rank: 436
H-Index: 32
Citations: 3049
Nation: Italy
Area: physics - theoretical
Macroarea: Physics
Italian Institution(s): Liceo Statale "Carlo Lorenzini" di Pescia (PT)