Giovanni Lombardi - Top Italian Scientist in Biomedical Sciences
Prof. AWF dr hab. Giovanni Lombardi, PhD is the director of the Laboratory of Experimental Biochemistry of IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi (Milano, Italia), Associate Professor of Health Sciences at Poznań University of Physical Education (Poznań, Polska), Department of Athletics, Strength and Conditioning and Adjunct Professor of Laboratory Medicine at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milano, Italia). He serves the following roles: chairman of the study group on “Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolism of Bone and Muscle Tissues”, SIBioC (Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry & Clinical Molecular Biology), from 2017; deputy-chairman of the working group on “Whole-Body Cryotherapy”, International Institute of Refrigeration (IIF), from 2017; member of the working group on “Bone Markers”, IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry), from 2018; member of the European Committee, FICAFD (Fundación de Investigación en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte), from 2019; European Specialist of Laboratory Medicine (EuSpLM) and member of the EFLM Academy (European Federation of Laboratory Medicine), from 2020; key opinion leader for ProCCare (Belgium) and scientific advisor for Sapio Life (Italia) on “Whole-Body Cryotherapy”. He is editorial board member of J Sci Sport Exercise and Front Endocrinol; advisory board member of J Sport Sci and he reviewed 141 articles in 62 journals (Publons: I-2414-2012). He is involved in the following grants [role, entity-country, project ID, topic, year]: i) PI, NCN-Polska, 2018/29/B/NZ7/02094, Life science, 2018; ii) unit coordinator, CaRiPLo Foundation-Italia, OstMARK, Biomedical research on aging-associated diseases, 2018; iii) PI’s coordinator, Roche Foundation-Italia, Oncology, 2018; iv) co-investigator, NCN-Polska, 2017/25/B/NZ7/02309, Life science, 2017. He participated in the EU multicentre study (ID 201626, FP7-SP1-HEALTH, call 2007-A) entitled “Disc-degeneration linked pathologies: novel biomarkers and diagnostics for targeting treatment and repair (GenoDISC)”. He authored 146 articles and 3 book chapters (ORCID: 0000-0002-8365-985X); h-index= 29 (Scopus).
biomarker discovery bone metabolism miRNA endocrine function of bone endocrine function of skeletal muscle

Rank: 1575
H-Index: 45
Citations: 7149
Nation: Italy/Poland
Area: biochemistry
Macroarea: Biomedical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi  and  Poznań University of Physical Education
Notes: Poznan University of Physical Education
Rank: 1575
H-Index: 45
Citations: 7149
Nation: Italy/Poland
Area: biochemistry
Macroarea: Biomedical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi  and  Poznań University of Physical Education
Notes:  Poznan University of Physical Education