Laura Eleonora Depero - Top Italian Scientist in Material & Nano Sciences
Laura Eleonora Depero was an assistant professor from 1990 to 2000 and from 2001 is full professor of Fundamental Chemistry for Technologies at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Brescia. She is the Head of Chemistry for Technologies Laboratory ( The primary aim of Chem4Tech is to enhance the understanding of properties and behaviour of materials. In particular, the activities are focused on developing and on optimizing experimental techniques, methods, and protocols for studying new materials/devices. Researches cover a wide variety of materials (metal, ceramic, glass, semiconductor, polymers, and bio-organic materials) and they are carried out in collaboration with several national and international researchers belonging to government as well as private research laboratories.
Material Chemistry X-ray characterization spectroscopy sustainable materials

Rank: 72
Women's Rank: 10
H-Index: 54
Citations: 10962
Nation: Italy
Area: chemistry, physical chemistry, materials science
Macroarea: Material & Nano Sciences
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Brescia  and  INSTM
Rank: 72
Women's Rank: 10
H-Index: 54
Citations: 10962
Nation: Italy
Area: chemistry, physical chemistry, materials science
Macroarea: Material & Nano Sciences
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Brescia  and  INSTM