Tiziana Bonaldi - Top Italian Scientist in Biomedical Sciences
TB is Tenured Group Leader at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) in Milan, where she directs the “Cancer epi- proteomics and gene expression regulation” since 2008. Following a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the Dibit, San Raffaele Institute in Milan, she did a first post-doc at the LMU in Munich, in A. Imhof’s lab, where she started developing MS methods to study the histone code; then she carried out a second post-doc in the M- Mann’s group at the MPI of Biochemistry in Martinsried to strengthen her expertise in quantitative proteomics. She received the “Armenise-Harvard Career Development Award” in 2007 and the “International Inner Wheel for Women, for scientific achievements” in 2010. In 2014, she successfully completed her tenure-track and was appointed as Associate Professor at IEO. Since 2020 she is contract professor at the University of Milan TB group effort is devoted to conjugating mass spectrometry (MS) –based proteomics to the investigation of the molecular mechanisms underpinning adaptive response in cancer, linked to epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Her research has contributed both technological innovations and original findings in MS-analysis of chromatin composition and modifications, on histones and beyond. She published 85 peer-review scientific papers (Google scholar h-index= 38). She’s married, with 2 children
mass spectrometry, proteomics, molecular oncology, epingenetcis, protein post translational modifications

Rank: 1600
Women's Rank: 374
H-Index: 44
Citations: 13032
Nation: Italy
Area: proteomics in cancer and epigenetics
Macroarea: Biomedical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): IEO Milano  and  Università degli Studi di Milano
Rank: 1600
Women's Rank: 374
H-Index: 44
Citations: 13032
Nation: Italy
Area: proteomics in cancer and epigenetics
Macroarea: Biomedical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): IEO Milano  and  Università degli Studi di Milano