Alessandra Flammini - Top Italian Scientist in Engineering
Full Professor in Instrumentation and Measurement at University of Brescia. IEEE Fellow for “contributions to wireless distributed measurements for industrial systems”. Head of the research group "Embedded Systems and Smart Sensors". Head of the eLux laboratory, the inter-departmental laboratory on smart grids and smart living. President of the Degree Course Council for three Degree Courses
Distributed Measurement Systems Internet of Things smart grids synchronization

Rank: 171
Women's Rank: 15
H-Index: 50
Citations: 7947
Nation: Italy
Area: engineering - electrical
Macroarea: Engineering
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Brescia
Rank: 171
Women's Rank: 15
H-Index: 50
Citations: 7947
Nation: Italy
Area: engineering - electrical
Macroarea: Engineering
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Brescia