Emanuele Buratti - Top Italian Scientist in Biomedical Sciences
Emanuele Buratti is currently Group Leader of the Molecular Pathology Lab at the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) in Trieste and professor at the University of Trieste. Previously, he studied at the University of Trieste for a B.Sc. in Biology and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. In 1995, he moved to ICGEB as a Staff Research Scientist. Dr. Buratti principal areas of expertise are the investigation of RNA binding proteins and RNA metabolism in neurodegeneration and metabolic diseases. On these subjects, Emanuele Buratti is the author of more than 180 research papers in peer-reviewed publications and of book articles on these subjects (for a full list see orcid.org/0000-0002-1356-9074). He is Associate Editor at Frontiers in Genetics, Academic Editor at PloS ONE, and part of the Editorial Board at Journal of Biological Chemistry and Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. He is also the president of the Scientific Committee of the Italian FTD Patient association (AIFTD) and Chairperson for Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). Homepage: http://www.icgeb.trieste.it/molecular-pathology.html
RNA processing TDP-43 hnRNP proteins amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Frontotemporal dementia RNA alternative splicing RNA binding proteins

Rank: 559
H-Index: 74
Citations: 26135
Nation: Italy
Area: mol cell biol
Macroarea: Biomedical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): ICGEB Trieste  and  Università di Trieste
Email: buratti@icgeb.org; emanuele.buratti@icgeb.org
Rank: 559
H-Index: 74
Citations: 26135
Nation: Italy
Area: mol cell biol
Macroarea: Biomedical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): ICGEB Trieste  and  Università di Trieste
Email: buratti@icgeb.org; emanuele.buratti@icgeb.org