Claudio Pettinari - Top Italian Scientist in Chemistry
Prof. Claudio Pettinari was born in 1964 in Camerino, where was graduated in chemistry in 1989. Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Camerino from 2010. He is author of ca 400 papers published on international journals and 250 communications and 4 patents. Winner of the “Bonati” Prize in 1998 (Organometallic Chemistry), and of the NASINI Medal in 2004 (Inorganica Chemistry). “Camerte dell’anno” 2013, Doctor honoris causa from UNiv. of Galati, Member of the scientific academia of Lisboa. Chair of the ISOC International School of Organometallic Chemistry, secretariat of the N-donor ligands european meeting, Rector of the Camerino University.
Inorganic Chemistry Organometallic Chemistry MOFs Antitumoral compounds Advanced Materials

Rank: 129
H-Index: 63
Citations: 16861
Nation: Italy
Area: chemistry
Macroarea: Chemistry
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Camerino - School of Pharmacy  and  CNR ICCOM - Sesto Fiorentino
Rank: 129
H-Index: 63
Citations: 16861
Nation: Italy
Area: chemistry
Macroarea: Chemistry
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Camerino - School of Pharmacy  and  CNR ICCOM - Sesto Fiorentino