Andrea Rapisarda - Top Italian Scientist in Physics
Andrea Rapisarda is full professor of theoretical physics at the University of Catania, Italy. He has also the qualification of full professor in theoretical physics of condensed matter. He is coordinator of a PhD course in “Complex systems for Physical, Socio-economic and Life Sciences”. He is an external faculty member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna ,co-director of the International School on Complexity of the Ettore Majorana Foundation in Erice with A. Zichichi, G. Benedek, C. Tsallis and member of the Complex Systems Society. He is co-author of more than 180 publications in international journals and member of the editorial board of Physica A, Heliyon, Cogent Physics, Frontiers in Physics (Social physics), Entropy, Complexity. He is also specialty chief editor of Frontiers in Complex Systems. His main interests of research are Complex Systems, Statistical mechanics, Deterministic chaos, Nonlinear dynamics, Complex networks and Multi-agent models applied to socio-economic systems. He has been departmental delegate for strategic planning and president of the "Commissione paritetica" of DFA. He was also Rector's delegate for internationalization and Erasmus coordinator for the University of Catania in the period march 2013 - november 2016. More info at
Theoretical physics Statistical mechanics Complex systems Networks Chaos and nonlinear dynamics Phase transitions and critical phenomena Self-Organized Criticality Fractals Econophysics Sociophysics Agent based simulations

Rank: 295
H-Index: 45
Citations: 8082
Nation: Italy
Area: physics
Macroarea: Physics
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Catania  and  INFN Sezione di Catania and Complexity Science Hub Vienna
Rank: 295
H-Index: 45
Citations: 8082
Nation: Italy
Area: physics
Macroarea: Physics
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Catania  and  INFN Sezione di Catania and Complexity Science Hub Vienna