Renzo Guerrini - Top Italian Scientist in Clinical Sciences
Prof. Renzo Guerrini is Head and Director of the Paediatric Neurology and Neurogenetics Unit and Laboratories, and of the Centre of Excellence for Neuroscience at the Children’s Hospital A. Meyer, Florence, Italy. His previous Academic positions include Professorships at University of Pisa, King’s College London and University College London. His research focuses on the neurophysiology, neurogenetics and the treatment of pediatric epilepsies. He has coordinated the Commission of Pediatrics of the ILAE and has been the principal investigator of DESIRE (Development and Epilepsy - Strategies for Innovative Research to improve diagnosis, prevention and treatment in children with difficult to treat Epilepsy), a major EU Research project. He received the Ambassador for Epilepsy ILAE Award, 2003, the American Epilepsy Society's Clinical Research Recognition Award, 2012 and the Elisa Frauenfelder Prize on Research and Innovation, 2019. He has co-authored over 600 papers in Peer-reviewed journals and 12 books. His Official H-Index is 108
Developmental brain disorders epilepsy, genetics of brain development and epilepsy medical and surgical treatment of epilepsy movement disorders brain imaging

Rank: 42
H-Index: 125
Citations: 58757
Nation: Italy
Area: neurology -genetics - medicine
Macroarea: Clinical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Firenze  and  AOU Meyer IRCCS
Rank: 42
H-Index: 125
Citations: 58757
Nation: Italy
Area: neurology -genetics - medicine
Macroarea: Clinical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Firenze  and  AOU Meyer IRCCS