Marco Tatullo - Top Italian Scientist in Biomedical Sciences
Prof. MARCO TATULLO, MD, DDS, PHD CURRENT POSITION: Professor (RTDB) – University of Bari “ALDO MORO”, Italy Honorary Senior Lecturer in - Dundee University - UK RECENT POSITIONS: 2009-2019 C.R.O. – Scientific Director – Marrelli International Group – Healthcare Unit – Crotone, Italy 2010-2019 Head of Research – Tecnologica Research Institute – Stem Cell Unit – Crotone, Italy EDUCATION: 2009 - Doctor in Dental Sciences (DDS) 109/110 with thesis published, 2017 - Doctor in Medicine (MD), 110/110 cum laude with thesis published, 2013 - Ph.D. in “Medical Biochemistry, Medical Biology and Physics” with thesis published, University of Bari, Italy. HONORS: 2019 - Honorary Senior Lecturer in “Dentistry” - Dundee University - UK 2017 - IADR (International Association for Dental Research) “Robert Frank Award” winner (1st prize) in 2017 – Senior category - Basic Science. 2017 - IADR “Unilever travel Award” winner 2017 - “Riccardo Garberoglio Award” (1st prize) in 2017 for the clinical research in endodontics – awarded by SIE – Italian Society of Endodontics. 2017 - “Honorary Award” for the high scientific merits, awarded by the major of the city of Bari, Italy. 2017 - “Nicolino d’oro” award for the “scientific research”, awarded by the City major of Bari and the Italian Catholic Association, Bari, Italy. 2017 - “Honorary Award” for the high scientific merits, awarded by the major of the city of Crotone, Italy. SPIN OFF Vice-President of SAB (Scientific Advisory Board) of “Polypheno”, a University-based Spinoff on biomedical products and biomaterials located at University of Bari, Italy. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: 2018- to present IADR(International Association for Dental Research) President of “Stem Cell Biology” group of I.A.D.R. and A.A.D.R. (International and American Association for Dental Research). 2017- to present “ANR- Agencè National de la Recherche” program - Official Scientific Reviewer 2017- to present “E.U. COST action” program - Official Scientific Reviewer 2016- to present “E.U. action” program - Official Scientific Reviewer 2016- to present “Austrian Science Fund (FWF)” program - Official Scientific Reviewer 2016-2018 Chair in T.E.R.M.I.S. symposium. DATA h-index: 42 Citations: >3000 Publications: 110 email: Cell: 3498742445 Website:
Regenerative Medicine Translational Medicine Stem Cells Biomaterials Dentistry Applied Medical Sciences and Techniques

Rank: 1421
H-Index: 50
Citations: 6619
Nation: Italy
Area: regenerative medicine; stem cells
Macroarea: Biomedical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Rank: 1421
H-Index: 50
Citations: 6619
Nation: Italy
Area: regenerative medicine; stem cells
Macroarea: Biomedical Sciences
Italian Institution(s): Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"